The Way Forward
While we have come a long way forward, there is still a lot that we can do.
And the good thing for us has been the continuous support of our extended groups
of people in different corners of the country, who go beyond lengths to echo the
far cry of inclusiveness and a will to make a change.
Keeping this in mind, we are planning a few interesting endeavors
for the end of this year. Some of these are - setting up cloth banks across
the country, creating a dedicated fund for both regularising the expenditures
and introducing transparency in how we operate and so on. We are very open to
ideas and are willing to discuss the chances of actually making it a reality.
While we admit to the fact that there is poverty existing around us,
we also believe that it is our actions that can change the course of things
and can actually create a sense of inclusion and upliftment in the
underprivileged sections of the society.